Histomat: Adventures in Historical Materialism

'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács

Saturday, January 24, 2009

On socialism and the Jewish diaspora

Fascinating comment piece in this weeks Socialist Worker by Dan Mayer discussing two fairly famous grandfathers of his, one a Zionist and the other, Gustav Mayer, a socialist historian, who wrote a biography of Engels and on the English labour movement - the article illuminates the history of the Jewish diaspora in Europe before the Holocaust.

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At 11:38 pm, Blogger ygkpd said...

I had to do a double-take on Gustav Mayer. One of the pioneering left-wing accounts of Canadian history was written by a muckraking journalist, Gustavus Meyer, prior to WW1. His book, "A History of Canadian Wealth" is largely dismissed by mainstream historians to the point that he is simply ignored. Nobody has, however, been able to discredit his findings - that Canada was built on colonial plunder, corruption and pork-barrel politics. The usual stuff.


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